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Get Matched with Local Carpenters
Answer a few questions and we’ll put you in touch with pros who can help.

How to find a pro

Browse carpenter profiles, dive into past projects and check out customer reviews.

Reach out to the pro(s) you want, then share your vision to get the ball rolling.

Request (and compare) quotes, then hire the carpenter that perfectly fits your project and budget limits.

Browse world-class, local carpenters that can bring your vision to life.

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More about Carpenters

A carpenter can handle all woodworking projects big and small. They can create custom furniture like tables, dressers and chairs, and they can also complete ornate finishing work like trim, baseboard and fireplace mantles. Carpentry contractors can even help with framing your home or building kitchen cabinets! Working with a carpenter allows you to customize every aspect of your project, so you can get a unique final piece that is exactly what you want.

Fire up your convos with pros

This list is a great place to start when choosing who to work with on future projects.

How long have you been in the business?

How many projects like mine have you completed?

Can you provide me with references?

How do you charge, and what does that include?

Can you give me a written estimate?

What do your services include?

Can I supply my own materials, or will you supply your own?

When can this job get done?

What happens when the cost exceeds the budget? What about changes to materials or labor pricing?

What will I need to provide?

Are there any important considerations or concerns you foresee with this project?

Browse pros by popular project types

We’ll help you find the perfect fit

There’s a reason 65+ million homeowners trust us to find the best pros for the job.

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Read real reviews (we won’t let businesses edit any of their reviews).

See photos of projects that match your design style before you hire.

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*Representatives available Mon-Fri, 7AM - 3PM MST