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Get Matched with Local Architects & Building Designers
Answer a few questions and we’ll put you in touch with pros who can help.

How to find a pro

Browse architect profiles, dive into past projects and check out customer reviews.

Reach out to the pro(s) you want, then share your vision to get the ball rolling.

Request (and compare) quotes, then hire the architect that perfectly fits your project and budget limits.

Browse world-class, local architects that can bring your vision to life.

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More about Architects, Architecture Firms, & Building Designers

It is best to hire a home architect who will be involved in all phases of the design process, from the initial concept to the completed construction. They are often the first person you will hire for your project, and it's common for architects' contractors, or subcontractors, to prefer working with one another, which means better relationships and smoother work on your home. Interior architects are also involved in negotiating contracts for all involved participants, from builders, to engineers and even landscapers.

It is for these reasons that it is extremely important for you to have a good relationship with the residential architect you hire. He or she can be the tie-breaking vote between you and the general contractor and can be your biggest advocate during the construction process. Different residential architecture firms provide different services, so the scope of the work can span from pre-design environmental impact studies to selecting furniture and finishes, depending on what your specific needs are.

Fire up your convos with pros

This list is a great place to start when choosing who to work with on future projects.

What is your fee structure?

What does the cost include?

Do you have professional liability insurance?

Can you handle my special requests (ADA, LEED etc.)?

What types of renderings (3D, video, illustrative) will you produce?

What is your experience with similar projects?

When do you expect to start and be finished with the project?

What do your services include?

What happens when the cost exceeds the budget?

Can you provide me with references?

Would you say your work has a defining style?

Will you help with hiring a general contractor and subcontractors?

What do you estimate the cost will be?

What will I need to provide?

Are there any complications you foresee with this project?

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There’s a reason 65+ million homeowners trust us to find the best pros for the job.

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*Representatives available Mon-Fri, 7AM - 3PM MST