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Dining Room Chairs

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A good dining chair combines both comfort and style. To find the ideal fit for your dining room or kitchen consider what the primary function of your new dining chairs will be — will they be used for occasional dinner parties in a formal space, or will this be everyday seating that needs to withstand kids? As you shop for dining room chairs, keep in mind the following tips to ensure you pick something that is both functional and stylish in your space.

How many dining chairs do I need?

The number of dining room chairs you purchase is largely determined by the size of your table. As a rule of thumb, designate 24 inches of space per person for a comfortable table setting. Any less and you will feel cramped or unable to get in and out of your dining chair easily. With that said, be conscious of where the legs on your table are — if they are inset from the edge of the table, they might make a what you assumed was a three-chair width a two-chair width. Is your table expandable? If so, buy the number of dining chairs that will fit the widest setting so you aren’t bringing in mismatched folding chairs for bigger parties (unless, of course, that’s the sort of eclectic look you’re going for). You can use the extra chairs around the house or stash them in the garage when not in use. Also be conscious of whether you want dining arm chairs at the heads of the table, as the arms may not fully tuck under the table depending on height and size.

What’s the best material for kitchen and dining room chairs?

There are plenty of great material options for dining chairs, but the best one for you will depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Upholstered dining chairs are typically the most comfortable because they have built-in padding, but they can also be the most difficult to keep clean, especially with kids and pets. If you want to look of upholstery with easier upkeep, try leather dining chairs that can be wiped clean and are less prone to stains and snags. Wooden dining chairs are likely the most sturdy and versatile, available in almost every style, and require very minimal upkeep — you can even add coordinating seat cushions for a little more comfort without having to commit to upholstery. You can do the same with metal dining room chairs or leave them bare for a more industrial look. Want something super lightweight and kid-friendly that also provides a contemporary feel? Plastic dining chairs are up for the challenge.

Which style of dining room chair is right for my space?

Depending on the overall style you’re going for in your space, you have quite a few options. If sleek and streamlined is your desire, check out our selection of modern dining chairs. Love the feel of a retro space? Go for midcentury dining chairs to add a pop of mod to your table. For a more country-inspired eating area, incorporate farmhouse dining chairs. Don’t be afraid to mix and match the style of your dining room table and chairs, they don’t have to be a perfect set! Do you have a table that seats at least six? You may want use armless dining side chairs and add two coordinating dining chairs with arms at the head and foot of the table to create a more formal feel, or simply as a spot for you and your partner to comfortably relax after a filling meal. If you have a small table look for a matching set of four dining room chairs to keep things consistent in a limited space.

Browse our dining room photos for inspiration and dining chair ideas to help kick off your search!

Find where to buy Dining Chairs and get inspired with our curated ideas for Dining Chairs to find the perfect item for every room in your home. With such a wide selection of Dining Chairs for sale, from brands like Modway, Flash Furniture, and Hekman Furniture, you’re sure to find something that you’ll love. Shop from Dining Chairs, like the Beacon Boucle Fabric Dining Chair or the Jaguar Mid-Century Dining Chair, while discovering new home products and designs. Whether you’re looking to buy Dining Chairs online or get inspiration for your home, you’ll find just what you’re looking for on Houzz.